Soothing Times
Reflexology and Massage Therapy in Croydon

Massage Therapy

About Holistic massage
Holistic massage is very similar to Swedish massage but also includes a massage to the face and scalp. Various massage movements are used to relieve tension and stiffness in the muscles. Massage also helps to boost the body's immune system. Strokes help to aid lymphatic drainage and improve circulation. The aim is to promote relaxation and wellbeing . It leaves the body feeling relaxed and stress free.

What does it help with?
Massage therapy helps to relieve the symptoms of stiff, tired muscles and joints . It speeds up digestion and encourages improved circulation. It also promotes relaxation and improved sleep.

Massage is commonly used to help people with cancer to feel better and to reduce some of the side effects of treatments. Studies suggest that massage can help to reduce symptoms such as pain, nausea, anxiety, depression, anger, stress and fatigue.

Hot stone massage
This is a soothing heated massage making use of warm basalt lava stones which allow warmth to penetrate deep into the muscles. The therapist holds the stones while performing massage strokes. Heat increases blood supply to muscles and as a result toxins and waste are eliminated from the body more quickly. It helps to relieve pain in muscles and joints and tension in the connective tissue.

Scarwork is a specialised gentle treatment which aims to help anyone with scar tissue,adhesions or a change in tissue health following surgery, radiotherapy, burns or accidents.
Examples include:
- joint replacement
- c section
- cancer surgery
- keyhole surgery
- hysterectomy
- abdominal surgery
- burns
- facial scars

Scarwork can help to....
- release tightness
- improve mobility
- reduce sensitivity and pain
- promote recovery
- support emotional wellbeing.

Following treatments scars often appear flatter, lighter and less prominent.
Both old and new scars can benefit from treatment.
New scars should preferably be at least 8 weeks old. All scars should be fully healed and free from infection.
Most scars benefit from a short course of 3 - 6 treatments to get the best results.
If you are still under the care of a consultant you will be required to obtain your doctor's consent for scarwork.
Any "work" to keloid scars could result in scar growth, so until more research is done in this area it may be advisable to avoid scarwork.

Therapeutic Massage. sophia

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